Born in the "City of the Century" Gary Indiana. Which has some very interesting similarities to what is occurring to the nation... once a pinnacle of success it has become the example of corruption, disenchantment and lost hope.
I rose from that environment and went on to join the US Army and become a M1 Tanker.
Discharged honorably, I started working while going to school at night eventually graduating with honors with a Bachelor's Degree from Purdue University.
I proceeded to making a name for myself in the Construction industry while continuing to pursue several Master Degrees at night. I started in residential construction, then multi-family, then light commercial, and finally into corporate and commercial design-build construction. I had a great deal of success.
I did, however, burn myself out on what I thought success was. The long hours, constant travel, doing the impossible and others expecting the impossible out of me finally got to me. Needless to say, I had had to redefine my priorities.
My intention these days is enjoy life more and to succeed in helping others succeed.
My purpose
It is a crazy time to be alive.
We have allot to be worried about, the news is filled with tragedy and horrors, our government has seemed to become more and more corrupt, the threat of unemployment, debt, homelessness, violence and just and outright feeling of helplessness seems to pervade conversations.
On the other hand, there are great opportunities. With advances in technology, communications and understanding a vast amount of information now available via the internet, there is a huge potential for advance beyond what has ever been before.
We have a choice. We have the power. We can make the difference.
And I want to use this blog to guide people to the wonderful versus the tragic. I want to inform, empower and inspire people to be the beacons of hope for the future.
I also want to further a discussion about that particular topic and invite information and opinion.
I am also going to take one more step though. The final step beyond just opinion and determine the best answer we have at the moment. Opinions can be 'dangerous', for the lack of a better word, and it is another hurdle we face in modern living because an uninformed opinion shouted loud enough can drowned out the informed opinion whispered. Too often in our society we have been given the ability to decide or have an opinion without being given the information necessary to formulate the 'right' conclusion... and so we are left with a great deal of opinions on things that are, in reality, facts. For example... if we were having a discussion about the shape of the earth in 1491, there might be a vigorous discussion about whether the earth is flat or round. Looking back, knowing what we now know, we know one group was right and one group was wrong.
In other cases, issues can be solidified into 'fact' when indeed more information is necessary. The Gulf of Tonkin incident, which led directly to the United States actively engaging in the Vietnam War was considered a fact by the vast majority of Americans yet it has been since revealed that it was indeed an area where a discussion and collecting much more information would have served our society greatly.
What I ask of You
Knowledge is NOT Power. It is potential Power. Knowledge Applied is Power.
Feel free to participate or observe. If you have additional relevant information please feel free to post it in the comments.
If you would like to support me in this endeavour I am not asking for donations, just that you spread the word and if you are an online shopper use my links. I am not that computer savvy, so at the moment I only have one or two affiliations but if your interested in buying something from say..., please click thru my page. It won't cost you anything but it will support the cause.
I am a life long learner. I have challenged myself to face my fears and in many cases have reveled in triumph over them. I have used this to gain the respect of others and to inspire them to their own greatness. I strive to be wise but I understand that I will always have allot to learn. I enjoy seeing people succeed in life and I hope to not only succeed in my own life but impacting as many as possible in succeeding in theirs as well.