Sunday, June 19, 2011

Money isn't everything... it may not even be happiness...

Two stories caught my attention this week... other than my previous blog. But both have a great deal to do with the direction in my life... away from money and toward something much more meaningful. Now, one does not pursue "happiness", "happiness" can't be a goal either... but happiness can be the result of many different activities, purposes or passions... just to name a few.

My first article points to a study conducted in New Zealand. Researchers studied the results of money vs. individualism and found people who are more autonomous... are generally much more happy than those who had money.

Money Can't Buy Happiness

The second is about where we derive most of our pleasure from...

The Pleasure of Imagination

"... the technologies of the imagination provide stimulation of a sort that is impossible to get in the real world. A novel can span birth to death and can show you how the person behaves in situations that you could never otherwise observe. In reality you can never truly know what a person is thinking; in a story, the writer can tell you."

My bottomline is finding purpose and enjoyment in everyday, every hour, every minute... if at all possible.

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